Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Watching JK-Wiranto on TV

I was back home late at night, it's about 8.30 after I change my clothes I had my dinner on living room, accompanied by my living friends, we were watching tv together. I forgot the title of the show but the presenter was Helmy Yahya. Its on Trans7. The show already run, it's not live show. The setting is in studio with hundreds of audience there, most of them wearing golden yellow dress, the golkar color. I guess it's the same place with Bukan Empat Mata place with Tukul Arwana as the star.

There are four guests who give questions in front of JK-Wiranto, Oppie Andariesta, a woman that I forgot the name, Todung Mulya Lubis, and Kak Seto. I was late not watching the show from beginning. In the middle of the show there is a video about BLT in Kediri which killed some poeple to get 30000 rupiah because of the crowded to get the money. Oh dear what's our fault until there's happened in Kediri. I cannot imagine it happened in a wealth city such Kediri. I forgot the question from the woman, she asked about real implementation from the candidate for solving the wealthiness of the people. Wiranto is great speaker, I forgot what exactly he said, but I think that he said that it's a casuistic thing that should not be generalize it, many people helped because of BLT. I forgot the detail of the answer but I remember when Helmy Yahya adding the question: "Is BLT will happened again in the future?". JK said that BLT is not an anual program, it's ad-hoc program. The idea of BLT rise in his room in the past years because we need a way to help poor people if the gasoline price is rise. So BLT happened only twice when the gasoline price is up. In the 2004 (perhaps, I forget again) and 2008. That tragedy is happen in March 2009 because BLT gives money for ten months. And it will never happen again in the future.

And then Oppie asked about women labour in foreign country. I think both JK-Wiranto answer it with a diplomatic way that they want to have working field in Indonesia and the labour should working here. And then Helmy add the question that there were women as a carrier of drugs. JK said that women as the carrier of drug is because it minimalize the oportunity known by the police rather than Men as the carrier. It's not the problem of the women as the carrier, the problem is the drug. And then Oppie asked again about the women rights. And Wiranto answered it that actually in Indonesia the women rights is already has much attention, there already quota in somewhere some occasion for women, and that only happend in this country.

Kak Seto question is about children and education, he asked about Ujian Nasional. JK said that at the past time he met people from neighbour country, Malaysia, Singapore, or Philipines. That those country have a harder exam and higher passing grade for graduation. So the first time UN grade limit is 3.5 and the next year it will higher be 4, and so on. It just because we didn't want to be behind from those countries. And it's not same passing grade for each region, perhaps it's 8 in Jakarta and 3 in east Indonesia. And he add that we should happy because of the afraid of fail in UN, because there were Istighosah, praying for passing, and minimize the students war between schools. And Kak Seto asked again about the recipe to have a great and harmony family. Wiranto said that his recipe is by giving his family kind of freedom and he role as a good man in actual life.

And then Todung asked about how to take money back from out of the country, in case the money may a hard or wrong money because of the processing the natural recource we have. And both JK-Wiranto answer it with a diplomatic way. AFAIR JK already ask the ministry for the rules, and he said that in case of the resource is mainly is mining, so to optimize the result we should use it for ourselves by adding the using industry or some like that.

And then Helmy asked both JK-Wiranto ask their family enter the stage, JK wife's named Mufida, they brought four children in that stage, three girls and a boy, and ten of grand children, two of them are in the stage. While JK mention their names, one of his children angry because he wrong to mention his name, JK mention his call name not the actual name. While Wiranto wife's name is ended with Usman, he said that means she is the daughter of mr. Usman. She is from Gorontalo same island with JK, he said that his children is Jago (Java-Gorontalo). They have two doughters Maya and Lia, and a son. Maya and his brother is in America while Lia is in Jakarta but did not come to the show, but there's Lia's husband and their three of four children. All of their family is religious family, very happy to see that.

Im sorry that I cannot remember the details of the show, and honestly Im not good in writing or talking politics. It's a hard thing for me. But both JK and Wiranto are smart people, they able to speak without script, they communicate friendly without trying to be grace, they were not like a student who read report in front of foreign people saying that Indonesia had great progress in economy and democracy.


Unknown said...

Songs JK-WIRANTO for President&Vice


Fifi said...

After watching presidential debates on TV, I'm now convinced that JK & Wiranto is the best option we got.

Thanks for sharing this. Cool blog.