Friday, December 25, 2009

Mengikuti Rapat Kerja Nasional IKA ITS Th 2009

Jumat tanggal 18 kemarin saya diajak cak Danang ikut Raker atas nama lembaga Yayasan Tunas Unggul Bangsa-IKA ITS Jakarta Raya (YTUB). Saya senang sekali, meski bukan jadi siapa2 saya bilang ke dia kl bisa ikut, tapi Jumat doang, hari pertama, soalnya sabtunya lembur masuk kantor.

Berikut ini link berita acara yang saya jadikan artikel di situs YTUB. Saya jadi admin di situs itu, meski situs daftar donatur tidak kepake, hanya dijadiin link kecil dalam situs resminya, gpp, saya besarkan hati saja, saya bulatkan niat untuk ikut terus ikutan saja, saya niatkan beramal saleh, cari kegiatan diluar rutinitas kantor.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Indonesia Bersatu di Bundaran HI

Minggu pagi 8 November 2009, aku sampai di stasiun Rawa Buntu jam 7 lebih, sebetulnya janjian sama Yanu teman sekantorku jam setengah tujuh di stasiun Serpong, tapi aku bangun kesiangan, hari-hari terakhir ini aku susah tidur, bisa tidurnya pas larut malam, solat subuh juga siangan, aku bilang ke Yanu aku ke stasiun Rawa Buntu saja karena lebih dekat, ngejar kereta ayam yang jam 7 pagi, nanti naik gerbong yang paling belakang ketemu disana. Rute rel kereta melintas dari stasiun Serpong ke Jakarta melewati stasiun rawa Buntu, kecuali kereta ekspres pasti berhenti dulu di stasiun Rawa Buntu, dari rumah ke stasiun Serpong kurang lebih 6 km, sedangkan ke stasiun Serpong 2 km, oleh karena itu aku parkir motorku di stasiun yg terdekat.

Ternyata sampai di stasiun sudah terlambat, Yanu sms aku kalo keretanya sudah berangkat, dia duduk di gerbong terakhir, lantas aku balas smsnya bilang maaf karena terlambat, dan beli tiket kereta selanjutnya jam setengah delapan kata penjual tiketnya. Aku beli tiket kereta Ciujung, ber-AC, Jakarta - Tanah Abang, 4500, kalo kereta ayam pemberhentian terakhir di Pasar Senen, 1500an, aku pernah naik kereta ayam waktu ke user karena ngejar jam pagi, turun di stasiun kemayoran. Aku dikasih tahu Yanu kalo nanti turun di stasiun Palmerah, sebelum stasiun Tanah Abang setelah stasiun Kebayoran, kalo naik kereta Ciujung lebih nyaman karena tidak perlu desak2an dan setiap keretanya berhenti aku selalu tahu nama stasiunnya, kalo naik kereta ayam selain was was karena takut dirampok, juga kesulitan sedang berhenti distasiun apa, karena desak2an dan tidak bisa melihat jelas papan nama stasiunnya.

Belum setengah delapan, keretaku sudah datang, aku naik di gerbong tengah pas ketika kereta berhenti di tempat aku menunggu, aku berhenti di stasiun Palmerah, ketemu Yanu, sepertinya dia kira aku naik di gerbong belakang soalnya dia datang menunggu dari arah gerbong yang belakang, kami lantas naik bus kota, jurusan Semanggi, aku lupa nama busnya, tapi kami jalan dulu agak jauh, tidak keluar di pintu stasiun tapi jalan menyusuri rel terlebih dulu, sampai di jalan raya pun masih lewat tangga setapak ke jalan raya yang diatas, Yanu hafal jalan-jalan itu soalnya dia di user di daerah Karet sekitar Semanggi. Di perjalanan bilang kalau angkatan 99 banyak aktivisnya, dia juga angaktan 99 ambil poltek kapal terus ke Elektro, abis itu ke Poltek Elka. Waktu kuliah dulu dia satu kos sama Budi Nugroho, sama Arie Shiddiq, aku bilang ke dia dulu Budi jadi Senator, sekarang dosen di UPN sudah punya anak satu, sedangkan Arie jadi dosen di TC, selain itu dulu anak TC yg mungkin Yanu kenal ada Arief Kemalsyah yang jadi kahima dua kali sama Rahmat Hidayat.

Kami naik bus kota turun di Semanggi, habis itu naik busway turun di bundaran HI, awalnya info yang aku dapat dari milis jurusan acaranya di Monas, aku dikasih tahu adik kelasku kalo ada acara demo Minggu pagi jam 8 di Monas, temannya dia ikut dan bilang ke dia untuk mengajak massa sebanyak banyaknya, tapi pas aku ketemu Yanu Sabtu kemarin dia bilang acaranya di HI, mungkin juga ada di Monas, soalnya bakal ada long march, awalnya dia bilang jam tujuh, dan rencananya berangkat naik kereta jam setengah enam, tapi aku bilang terlalu pagi, naik kereta yang jam tujuh saja, sampai disana jam delapanan, dan ternyata diamini sama Yanu soalnya dia lihat berita di Metro TV acaranya jam delapan tapi di HI bukan di Monas. Aku benar-benar ketinggalan berita, kerjaanku saat ini gila2an, selalu pulang larut berangkat pagi, yang lebih bikin capek tempatnya jauh di Kemayoran, dua jam perjalanan kalo pagi hari, sampai rumah aku biasanya sudah kecapekan langsung istirahat, aku ga begitu ngerti masalah persoalan KPK ini, hanya saja aku tertarik banget untuk ikut demo ini soalnya walau mengikuti sedikit beritanya aku merasa prihatin untuk pihak Bibit-Candra.

Waktu di busway, aku lihat sudah mulai banyak orang-orang berkumpul di sekitar air mancur bundaran HI, sebagian pake slayer "Tuntaskan Korupsi" atau kalimat sejenis, kain berukuran kira2 50cm*7cm yang dipotong2 pake gunting, ada yang berwarna putih, hijau tua, atau hitam, ada yang diikatkan di kepala ada juga yang diikatkan di lengan, disitu juga aku lihat ada panggung seperti konser musik kecil2an. Busway berhenti di halte bundaran HI, halte itu berada agak jauh letaknya setelah bundaran HI, waktu jalan kaki ke bundaran HI kami melewati Wisma Nusantara gedungnya TVOne, di depan ada juga panggung sepertinya sedang ada acara musik untuk tv, waktu itu sedang menyanyi group musik yang aku ga tahu namanya tapi lagunya sering dengar di radio "Aku tertipu, Aku terjebak, Aku terperangkap, Dalam gairahmu...". Aku sering dengar lagu itu soalnya tiap hari aku mendengarkan radio waktu dalam perjalanan ke user di Kemayoran.

Waktu aku sampai bundaran HI, sudah ada ada Adi Massardi yang tengah membacakan puisinya "Negeri Para Bedebah", aku tahu puisi itu dari milis, sepertinya acaranya sudah mulai dari tadi tapi orang2 masih tidak begitu banyak yang datang, aku sama Yanu bisa menerobos massa di depan dan dapat tempat yang cukup jelas kurang lebih sepuluh meteran dari panggung. Setelah membacakan puisinya gantian MC yang mengambil acara, MC-nya ada dua, Indra Bekti sama Sandrina Malakiano, dua-duanya pake kacamata hitam, Sandrina memakai baju hitam berjilbab, Indra pake topi yang khas dia pakai. Habis itu mereka panggil group band dari Yogyakarta, "Kill The DJ", samar aku pernah dengar nama band itu, mc-nya bilang kalo di internet pasti banyak denger lagu mereka, lagunya rap, syair awalnya "Ono cicak nguntal boyo, seragam cokelat gowo godo", dst... setelah menyanyi vokalisnya diminta menerjemahkan artinya, dia bilang artinya "Ada cicak melahap buaya hidup2 ada polisi bawa pentungan".

Setelah itu mereka panggil tiga orang untuk berpidato, ada Effendi Ghozali, bapak yang aku lupa namanya, sama Eeep Saefullah suami Sandrina, Pak Effendi Ghozali baca puisi awalnya berima i-i-i-i, aku lupa puisinya seperti apa, tapi ada kata2 Republik Mimpi, acara tv yang dia bawakan, sama "hihihi" bait terakhir yang dia bawakan seingatku seperti itu, selanjutnya Bapak yang kedua berorasi, aku lupa detilnya tapi mungkin dia bilang kalo jangan benci institusinya, tapi benci korupsinya, jangan benci kepolisian, DPR, apalagi KPK, tapi orang2 korup didalamnya, sedangkan bapak Eep Saefullah kasih yel yel baru, jika dia teriak "Cicak" kami jawab "Hidup", dia teriak "Koruptor" kami jawab "Mati", dan jika dia teriak "Presiden", kami jawab "Bangun", yel yel sebelumnya jika MC Indra/Sandrina tanya "Siapa Cicak", maka kami jawab "Saya", habis itu serentak kita bilang "Cinta Indonesia Anti Korupsi" aku lupa persisnya tapi kira2 seperti itu.

Setelah itu berurut-urut ada group musik KCP, atau KJP ya, awalnya aku kira para pemain film KCB, ternyata grup band dari gang pegangsaan sama ustadz siapa gitu dari gang pegangsaan yang juga menyanyi, terus ada group band "Efek Rumah Kaca". Mereka nyanyi lagu "Mosi Tidak Percaya" "Semua Bisa Jadi Presiden", atau apa gt aku lupa judul tapi lagunya enak2. Setelah itu ada Oppie yang menyanyikan lagu "Peter Pan", sama "Andai Aku Jadi Orang Kaya", Oppie ganti liriknya yg aslinya "Andai Aku jadi Orang kaya, Ga usah pake kerja" diganti dengan "Andai kita jadi orang kaya, Ga usah pake korupsi", habis itu ada Happy Salma yang membacakan puisi kemudian diiringi dengan Kill The DJ, Happy memakai baju hitam barangkali karena siang yang panas. Terakhir sepertinya penampilan Slank, sama Once juga datang tapi sepertinya ga nyanyi, aku ga tahu soalnya jam waktu itu 11an, perutku sakit, ternyata udah selesai, aku sama Yanu cari toilet, kami ke mall Grand Indonesia untuk buang air, fisikku benar2 lemah, kepalaku pusing selain emang benar2 panas, pasti ini gara2 kerja yang pulang larut terus.

Di tengah-tengah acara, Indra dan Sandrina juga mengundang Erry Eriansyah mantan ketua KPK kalo ga salah, yang meminta kepolisian untuk menahan dia jika menahan Bibit-Candra, Bpk Usman siapa gitu creator dukungan satu juta facebookers untuk Bibit-Chandra, sama ketua komnas HAM pengganti Munir untuk berorasi, ditengah-tengah pidato salah satu mereka ada yang membawakan foto besar Anggodo memakai seragam polisi, ada juga yang membawa boneka buaya berwarna biru.

Selain itu Indra dan Sandrina juga mengundang penonton keatas panggung, mereka panggil lima orang anak muda untuk teriak "Cicak", ada juga minta dua orang untuk berorasi, ada Charles dari Priuk, ada juga ibu rumah tangga, waktu ibu itu berorasi keliru apa gitu pokoknya menghujat KPK, sama Sandrina dikasih tahu kalo semua orang yang ada disitu mendukung pemberantasan korupsi dan mendukung sepenuhnya KPK, keseumua penonton itu dihadiahi kaos atas partisipasinya. Indra dan Sandrina juga mengundang dua orang mahasiswa yang melakukan aksi mogok makan, satu cowok, satu cewek, yang cewek mengunci mulutnya sama plester, yang cowok menaruh plesternya di kaosnya, ketika ditanyai sudah berapa lama melakukan aksi itu, dia bilang dua hari mereka mogok amkan, kemudian dia berteriak "Hapus Bersih Korupsi di Indonesia".

Aksi itu berakhir sebelum jam sebelas, memang cuacanya panas banget, kalaupun sampai sore aku sama yanu bakal pulang duluan ga ikut sampai akhir, kami pun pulang naik buswa turun Ratu Plaza kemudian menunggu transBsd yang datang jam 12an, sebelum ke halte busway kami beli es cendol dipinggir jalan, sambil melihat ada pembakaran boneka buaya di sebelah bundaran HI berseberangan dengan panggung.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Searching Menggunakan Limit Dengan Hibernate

Post ini melanjutkan catatan sebelumnya tentang membuat google wannabe paging.

Terdapat banyak cara untuk mendapatkan qury limit di hibernate, terdapat HQL (Hibernate Query Language), Criterion, atau native sql. Saya akan memberi tahu bagaimana caranya dengan menggunakan HQL. Bagi saya HQL itu sederhananya SQL menggunakan POJO (Plain Old Java Objetct) hibernate, Object yang merepresentaiskan tabel2. Misalnya jika tabel dengan nama LOG_ACIVITY maka POJO bisa berupa class dengan nama LogActivity. Jika SQL seperti : "SELECT * FROM LOG_ACTIVITY", maka HQL-nya cukup berupa: "FROM LogActivity", dan HQL memiliki banyak fungsi.

Dalam catatan ini saya tidak hanya memberitahu bagaimana mendapatkan record2 mulai 1 sampai 100, tapi juga pencarian yang menggunakan parameter, seperti mendapatkan record mulai kemarin sampai sekarang untuk seratus record yang pertama.
1. Dapatkan kriteria pencarian. Nilai defaultnya '*'. Misalnya field username, jika ada nilai dari input seperti "imam" maka username = "imam", selain itu username="*"
2. Hitung total record berdasarkan kriteria tadi
3. Miliki konstanta berapa record yang ditampilkan di tiap halaman, misalnya 10, dan jumlah record itu juga bisa disimpan dalam parameter.
4. Saya bagi total record dengan konstanta tadi sehingga saya dapatkan total halaman buat paging.
Saya lakukan query dengan sintaks yang samaketika saya mencari jumlah total record (sintaks itu saya jadikan menjadi method tersendiri), namun kali ini untuk mendapatkan record bukan jumlah record.
6. Saya lempar seluruh variable (page, totalPages, listPages, perPage, totRecord, recordList, qName, qDate, etc etc), dimana
- page = page yang diminta, misalnya page 13
- totalPage misalnya 5
- listPage misalnya 5
- perPage, berapa record yang ditampilkan di tiap page
- totRecord, karena akan dimunculkan di aplikasi
- recordList
- qName, qDate, dan variable lain sebagai parameter pencarian yang disimpan dalam session.

Berikut code snippednya, yang pertama metgod untuk mendapatkan jumlah record, yang kedua untuk mendapatkan record yang sebenarnya, sedangkan buildQueryString adalah methodd yang menghasilkan sintaks Hql dengan parameter criteria=nam dari field2 pencarian seperti username, dateFrom, dateTo, dan parameter kedua adalah nilai question dari field2 pencarian, saya set "*" jika null atau empty.

public Long getLogActivitiesSearchingPagingCount(String criteria, String
question) {
String queryString = "select count(*) " + buildQueryString(criteria, question);
Long total = (Long) getSession().createQuery(queryString).uniqueResult();

return total;

public List getLogActivitiesSearchingPaging(int start, int length, String
criteria, String question) {
List logActivities = getSession().createQuery(buildQueryString(criteria, question))
return logActivities;

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cerita SE 2006

Teman2 ini ceritaku pas SE 2006 di Graha Wisata Kuningan.

Selasa, tgl 20 Oktober kemarin aku masih di user, Wom Finance, di MGK (Mega Glodok Kemayoran), disana lagi UAT, aku ijin pulang sore, biasanya pulang malem, tapi pas UAT gini ga terlalu malem paling jam 9 sudah pulang, tapi sampe BSD bisa jam 10 atau jam 11an. Kl pulang biasanya barengan sama rekan2 kantor, kadang2 travel kantor, taxi, atau ada rekan yg bawa mobil bareng dia terus di reimburse.

Aku pulang jam setengah 6an, sebetulnya ijin jam 5an tp ternyata tiba2 ada kerjaan jadi pulang jam segitu, aku naik bajaj, soalnya ga tau kalo ke halte busway naik angkot apa, kl naik ojek kebetulan gada, abis itu aku turun di halte busway pasar baru. Disana aku tanya2 kl mau ke kuningan lewat mana, petugasnya bilang turun halte Matraman, abis itu ke Dukuh Atas. Ketika menuju ke Matraman aku bawannnya was-was aja takut2 kl nyasar, soalnya lewat Salemba UI, dsb, yg aku lihat Salemba itu di Jakarta Pusat, padahal Kuningan di Selatan. Tapi aku bawa santai aja kalopun kesasar ya tinggal pulang. Tapi akhirnya sampe juga di Dukuh Atas.

Sampe dukuh atas aku inget soalnya dulu juga lewat rute yang sama, tapi sekarang sudah beda, seingatku dulu kl udah sampe dukuh atas aku jalan panjang dan antri panjang di jalan koridor gt, sekarang ga lagi aku ga perlu naik tangga terus antri gt soalnya pintu buswaynya sekarang ada di bawah, bus yang ke Ragunan ada di pintu paling pojok belakang. Sampe di bus aku masih keliru tak kirain ada halte Pasar Festival deket halte GOR Soemantri, ternyata ga ada jadinya kelewatan, aku turun di Mampang terus naik balik busway turun GOR Soemantri, aku sampe tempat kira2 setengah delapanan, aku ga solat Maghrib.

Di pintu masuk aku ketemu sama Wahib, mas Wongky, Bawenang, Galih01, sama yg lain, aku ngobrol sama Bawenang, dia bilang ntar pulangnya bareng aja, soalnya kaya tahun kemarin aku pulangnya bareng Bawenang, aku bilang oke tapi nanti kl eli dateng ntar pulangnya bertigaan. Habis itu aku masuk ruangan, didalam semua pada pake batik, terus aku duduk deket sama dua anak 2006, ngobrol2, mereka tanya angaktan berapa kerja dimana, aku terus bilang ke mereka kl temen angkatanku yg jadi dosen tuh ada Anny, Siddiq, sama dulu Medi, trus temen yg jadi dosen SI ada Rully. Mereka bilang kl adiknya Anny itu angkatan 2006 juga, ikut SE juga, abis itu kl Siddiq sekarang sudah pulang ga di Australia lagi, abis itu dulu sempat diajar grafika sama Medi. Mereka bilang kl Medi ikut suaminya di Jakarta ga ngajar lagi, aku bilang ke mereka kl sekarang Medi masih ngajar tapi di Binus.

Habis itu semua dipersilahkan duduk di depan, aku cari ruang yang kosong, duduk di deret ketiga di belakangnya wahib, Wahib duduk dekat mas Lucky Esa, deret ketiga masih kosong, sedangkan sebelah kiriku banyak anak2 2002 dsb, aku ga gt apal. Kursi2 di susun mirip ruang kuliah, ada 4 kolom masing2 kolom ada 6-7 barisan, berbentuk U ditengah depannya ada meja panjang buat nara sumber. Aku duduk di kolom sebelah kanan yg menghadap meja panjang tadi. Habis itu ada mas Wongky, mas Deku, sama mas Abi duduk di belakangku, aku salaman, bilang minta maaf sekalian lebaran, habis itu eli datang duduk sebelah mas Aby.

Habis itu panitia mempersilahkan beberapa orang untuk menjadi nara sumber, ada mas Lucky Esa 85, Aris Kumara 2002, mas Wongky 98 sama dosen cewe angkatan 2004. Habis itu ada 2 anak 2006 yang bertanya, salah satunya dia tanya tentang pentingnya ilmu berkomunikasi di dunia kerja.

Mas Lucky cerita kalo dia angkatan pertama, kuliah 8 tahun, habis lulus sempat jobless lama di surabaya, abis itu ditawari sama orang BP untuk bekerja di BP tapi di pedalaman kalimantan, dia di BP selama 8 tahun habis itu ketrima di Microsoft dan bekerja di sana selama 8 tahun, dia putuskan untuk keluar, ambil S2 dan jadi pembicara di banyak tempat, dia cerita Microsoft sendiri minta dia balik tapi dia tidak mau, waktu mau pulang dia juga cerita kalo ada orang google dari Amerika datang ke dia buat konsultasi, dia juga pernah diajak ke kantornya google di luar negeri, dia juga berencana mau ambil S3.

Aris bercerita kalo dia tidak sempat bertemu sama angkatan 2006 karena sudah lulus, dia juga bercerita enaknya kalo kerja di IBM, kerjaan bisa dikerjakan di rumah asal tanggung jawab, jam kerja juga fleksibel, dia cerita kalo anak TC yg di IBM ada Amiril Muknimin2002, Roy2002, Eddie Tjandra, mbak Dewi, sama Januar00. Dia cerita kerjaan dia banyak presentasi, dia juga cerita kalo harus percaya diri, dia bilang waktu di training di Hong Kong, bertemu sama anak2 IBM dari negara lain, dia bilang yg dari India yang pinter2 malah tidak lulus trainingnya. Dia bilang IBM mau ada rekruitmen buat karyawan kaya dia dia minta anak2 2006 mendaftar karena IBM punya list universitas2 yg sudah diakui dan ITS ada didalamnya.

Habis itu ada mas Jayus atau siapa lupa ku namanya yg duduk di belakang yg pernah kerja di IBM selama 7 tahun, dia angkatan 85 temennya mas Lucky, dia dateng sama istrinya mbak Sri yg 5 tahun dibawahnya berarti angkatan 90 sama anak putrinya, dia dipersilahkan bicara sama mas Lucky, dia cerita kl IBM tuh perusahaan gila karena mau terima karyawan kaya dia, dia juga kuliah 8 tahun, waktu interview dia ditanyain sama bosnya mau ngga dateng tanggal sekian buat tes atau apa gt, dia bilang ga mau, terus ditanyain lagi kenapa, dia bilang soalnya mau naik gunung, habis itu dia langsun diterima. Sedangkan mbak Sri cerita kalo dia itu dalam angkatan yang beruntung karena waktu itu masih sedikit anak Informatika, tidak seperti sekarang yang banyak sarjana informatika, dia juga bilang kalo kelebihannya ITs tuh tidak ada ITS connection, kl ITB UI khan ada, kl di ITS ga ada, dia bliang dia terapkan sama dia sendiri, dia bilang waktu ngetes karyawan masuk dia tidak peduli apa anak ITS apa bukan, kalo bagus ya diterima. Dia juga cerita bagi yang pengen kerja di Singapura ada Singapore Connection, kaena Singapura tuh cari karyawan2 yang berpengalaman, Singapore Connection tuh memfasilitasi tempat selama 6 bulan untuk cari kerja di Singapura.

Mas Wongky cerita kalo dia waktu lulus juga daftar di IBM, tapi dia telat buka email yang ternyata dia dapat email ketrima di IBM, sebelumnya anak2 2006 kunjungan ke Mandiri dan memperkanalkan ulang posisinya di Mandiri, dia cerita di Mandiri tahun 2005, dia bilang awal dia masuk masih sedikit anak ITS, sekarang sudah banyak, dia bilang kalo sejak ada pejabat Mandiri yg dari ITS, aku lupa namanya sekarang Mandiri punya kepercayaan lah sama ITS. Dia juga bilang tentang pentingnya networking, dia bilang bahwa di Mandii, pas dia ketemu sama permasalahan banking dia tanya2 sama temen2nya yang kerja di banking untuk pecahin masalah itu, jadinya dia bisa menyelesaikan masalah itu. Waktu makan bersama juga mas Wongky cerita kalo anak 99 yg di Mandiri itu ada Liga sama Firstiar, Roy di Singapura, Maman mau ke Kalimantan.

Habis itu mas Aby unjuk jari, dia malah ngobrol yg paling panjang, suasana malah jadi kaya Format, dia bilang abis ini mau pulang, ga ikut makan malam, dia bilang banyak hal, dia bilang di dunia kerja harus PD, belajar menghadapi orang, dia bilang dulu mana berani pidato seperti itu, dia juga bilang jangan terlalu idealis, di kantornya saja dia bilang pekerjaannya bukan sebagai software engineer tapi excel engineer, habis itu dia bilang kalo yg didepan itu khan success story semua, barangkali perlu juga fail story, dia juga bilang kalo di bidang dia yaitu mining khan top2nya kalo diterima di Halliburton atau Schlumberger, padahal khan belum tentu ketrima disana.

Habis itu aku beranikan diri juga untuk bicara, aku bilang ke mereka kalo karirku tuh jelek, aku kerja di vendor lokal, itu pun sebagai programmer, sebelumnya juga pindah2 kantor terus, aku juga sebetulnya tidak ada bahan untuk dibicarakan, tapi melihat mas wongky sama mas aby bicara, maka aku beranikan untuk bicara, aku bilang ke mereka kalo sebelumnya pikirku mau datang apa ngga, wis akhirnya aku dateng aja kali aja nanti bisa bertemu sama kakak2 kelas, abis itu aku bilang ke mereka sebetulnya aku tidak punya kompetensi yg bagus tentang dunia kerja la wong karirku juga jelek, tapi aku ceritakan ke mereka pidato pak mushonif dulu pas pembekalan wisuda kl di dunia kerja tuh yg penting attitude, dia bilang attitude 99%, skill cuma 1%, abis ituaku juga bilang kl mau sukses tuh agamanya harus kuat, terus aku bandingkan pakaiannya anak2 2006 sama anak2 SGU, aku memuji pakaiannya anak 2006 bagus pake batik, aku bilang jika kuat tidaknya agama seseorang direpresentasikan sama pakaiannya maka aku seneng sama anak2 2006 karena pakaiannya bagus berarti agamanya juga kuat.

Habis itu acara ramah tamah sama makan malam, aku diem tok sepeti biasanya, tapi aku bawa santai aja, aku semeja sama Eli, mas Wongky sama anak 2004 yang ketrima di Mandiri. Wahib ada di meja depanku. Habis itu foto bersama terus pulang, aku pulang bareng eli naik taxi tarif bawah ke stasiun terus naik kereta jam 11 malam, sampe di stasiun Rawa Buntu aku naik ojek ke German Center karena aku parkir motor disana.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Membuat Google Wannabe Paging

Alhamdulillah, aplikasi Tunas Unggul Bangsa sudah live dan bisa diakses lewat internet melalui

Appfuse menggunakan displaytag untuk menampilkan data2nya per halaman, misalnya 10 record perhalaman, hanya saja displaytag mengambil keseluruhan data meskipun yg ditampilkan hanya 10 record, hal ini dikarenakan displaytag memiliki fasilitas utk sorting per kolom, ataupun download data dalam bentuk excel atau pdf. Hal ini tentu saja tidak hemat resource karena hanya untuk menampilkan 10 record saja, sistim harus query seluruh record.

Oleh karena itu saya menggunakan cara sendiri untuk menampilkan data sesuai kebutuhan, saya hanya melakukan query sebanyak record yang butuh ditampilkan, dan sebagai penanda tampilan record keberapa, diperlukan penanda halaman (paging), misalnya halaman 2 menampilkan record mulai 11 sampai 20, dst. Dalam post ini saya jelaskan bagaimana membuat paging seperti yang ada di google.

Jika Anda googling, akan ada daftar halaman (paging) jika hasil pencariannya banyak, seperti : "Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next". Untuk membuatnya sangat mudah dan saya hanya bermain dengan beberapa if-else di jsp dengan beberapa parameter, dan ini bisa diaplikasikan dengan bahasa2 lain.

Aplikasi Tunas Unggul Bangsa menggunakan spring MVC wannabe (karena ternyata tidak benar2 MVC), oleh karena itu bermain dengan banyak controller, dengan kata lain untuk menampilkan suatu halaman maka dubutuhkan controller. Saya butuh tiga parameter untuk controller paging:
1. page, halaman yang direquest user, misalnya 5
2. totalPages, banyak halaman, didapatkan dengan cara query "Select Count" dibagi perPage, dimana perPage adalah total record tiap halaman.
Misalnya total record = 100, perPage = 10 record, maka totalPage = 10.
3. listPages, daftar halaman yang muncul di aplikasi.
Misalnya kita menampilkan 5 halaman, maka yg muncul adalah "3 4 5 6 7"

Sementara itu di jsp-nya algoritmanya sebagai berikut:
1. jika page != 1 maka cetak "Awal", link ke halaman 1
2. cetak semua nilai listPages, jika sama dengan requestedPage maka tidak ada link, selain itu link ke halaman yg sesuai
3. jika totalPages != 0 dan requestedPage != totalPages maka cetak "Akhir", link ke halaman terakhir
Hasil dari contoh kita adalah "Awal 3 4 5 6 7 Akhir"

Tulis semua langkah diatas kedalam file jsp terpisah, misalnya paging.jsp, maka kita hanya tinggal include diatas table record.

Sebagai perbandingan dengan google, google memiliki 20 listPages, jika total halaman yg kita miliki bukan 5 tapi 20, maka kita memiliki listPages yang sama dengan google, dan itu bisa saja diubah karena saya jadikan Constant, hanya saja nantinya malah jelek tampilannya soalnya akan sangat melebar. Perbedaan yg lain adalah google menampilan "Prev" dan "Next", dimana link-nya menuju halaman sebelum atau halaman berikutnya, sedangkan yg kita miliki "Awal" dan "Akhir" menuju halaman awal dan akhir.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Redirect Default Page Bukan ke Login.jsp

Aplikasi Appfuse menggunakan acegi security, setting defaultnya dia akan selalu minta username untuk bisa membuka halaman2 didalam aplikasi, padahal nantinya aplikasi yang saya buat seharusnya bisa dibuka semua orang, tanpa perlu login terlebih dahulu, meskipun ada halaman2 yang harus login dulu untuk bisa mengaksesnya. Dalam benak saya halaman seperti profile yayasan, daftar nama2 donatur, detil masing2 donatur bisa dilihat semua pengunjung web.

Sebetulnya default page appfuse ketika membuka dari address page misalnya http://localhost:8080/tunasbangsa bukan ke login.jsp tapi ke mainMenu.html, tapi karena setting acegi security meminta username maka aplikasi ketika pertama kali dibuka senantiasa masuk ke halaman login terlebih dahulu.

Settingan yang perlu dirubah adalah berikut:
1. security.xml
Di bean=filterInvocationInterceptor, ubah/hapus semua halaman2 yang disetting hanya bisa dibuka untuk role tertentu, misalnya
Di security.xml sudah didaftarkan role2 user pada aplikasi, kebetulan diaplikasi ini ada 2 role, "admin" dan "user", sebelumnya halaman users.html hanya bisa dibuka untuk pengunjung dengan role=admin saja, jadi selain admin maka tidak halaman tersebut bisa dibuka dg error semacam akses denied, maksudnya misalnya ada pengunjung yg sudah login tapi rolenya selain admin dan meminta halaman itu maka dia tidak bisa mengkases, apalagi apabila belum login, maka aplikasi akan redirect ke halaman login.

Di acegi security ada ROLE_ANONYMOUS role yang didefinisikan acegi untuk pengunjung yang tidak login terlebih dahulu, oleh karena itu, kita bisa menghapus line diatas atau mengubah menjadi:

di bean=methodSecurityInterceptor yang mendefinisikan method2 yg bisa diakses, modify/hapus pula line berikut:
Line itu mengharuskan pengunjung bertipe admin untuk bisa mengakses method getUsers, padahal method itu dipanggil ketika aplikasi meload halaman /users.html

2. action-servlet.xml
Di bean adminUrlMapping, pindahkan statement berikut ke bean urlMapping,
<prop key="/users.html">userController</prop>

Jika security.xml itu menyetting buat acegi security-nya maka action-servlet.xml menyetting request halaman2 yg di minta pengunjung, aplikasi ini menggunakan framework SpringMVC, sehingga halaman2 yg akan diminta diatur menggunakan controller, pendaftaran page apa ke controller apa ditaruh di file ini.

bean adminUrlMapping, mendaftarkan url2 yangg bisa diakses oleh admin, sedangkan urlMapping mendaftarkan url2 yang bisa diakses semua pengunjung, oleh karena itu perlu dipindahkan url /users.html tidak hanya untuk pengunjung dengan role admin.

3. menu.jsp
Melist menu2 yang muncul diaplikasi, yang letaknya ada dibawah header, saya hapus menu yang tidak perlu yaitu:
<menu:displayMenu name="FileUpload"/>
Menu ini untuk menampilkan halaman upload file

4. menu-config.xml
Hapus item berikut, item tersebut sebelumnya menjadi sub-menu dari menu "Administrasi", yang mana menu tersebut hanya diperuntukkan bagi role admin, padahal sekarang bisa dibuka untuk semua pengunjung.
<Item name="ViewUsers" title="menu.admin.users" page="/users.html"/>
<Menu name="ViewUsers" title="menu.admin.users" page="/users.html" />
Sekarang url users.html menjadi menu utama seperti login, home, dsb, bukan menjadi submenu dari menu Administrasi.

Untuk halaman utama (home), saat ini aplikasi hanya menampilkan logo dan cerita singkat profile yayasan, no rekening sementara dan link untuk mendaftarkan diri sebagai donatur, yang mana setelah mendaftar tidak bisa login terlebih dahulu karena menunggu persetujuan dari admin, logo itu juga masih sementara dibuat dari memodifikasi logo yang dirasa mirip dengan tema yayasan, diambil dari john clements, Untuk situs internet yang menggunakan teknologi yang sama (appfuse) yang dibuat kantor saya adalah:

Awalnya mock up pertama kali akan dibuat seperti bprks, menggunakan frame, ada header, footer, leftFrame, rightFrame, dan mainFrame, sehingga untuk operasi aplikasi selanjutnya hanya meload mainFrame saja, tanpa perlu meload ulang gambar header dsb, hanya saja screen aplikasi akan terbatas luas layar saja, mainFrame akan seluas kecil karena footer senantiasa berada dibawah layar, scroll akan berada ditengah2 aplikasi, mock up seperti itu lebih cocok untuk aplikasi database yang kompleks saja tanpa terlalu memperhatikan tampilan, sedangkan aplikasi untuk yayasan ini juga berfungsi sebagai official site jadi perlu UI yang lebih bagus.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Continuing Appfuse Application Using Eclipse

We already have the application
, it's all inside the folder tunasbangsa, but it's hard if we maintain and updating files scratch, we use eclipse for the IDE, just download eclipse, get the latest version, the Galileo version. after extract in the preferred folder, just run eclipse by double click eclipse.exe.

Adding Project
Add new project -> Java Project -> Create from existing source, point to folder tunasbangsa. At first, we gonna an error sign in our folder in project explorer, something like cannot find ant.jar or junit.jar. To resolve this error. Go to Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path, set the missing jar into the right path, I add New Variable, the button is right of list, I set into my Ant folder "D:/Java/apache-ant-1.7.0", and then I fix the missing jar into "ANT_HOME/lib/ant.jar". There should be no error anymore.

Setting Ant From Eclipse

Window -> Show View -> Ant, and then add buildfiles, point it into tunasbangsa build.xml, collapse the icon and there will be list of command we can call, we need only to double click it, for example for clean or deploy. We call deploy every we made a change into our application.
In appfuse, the default if we deploy, we also drop the database and create new again, so we don't need that again, just comment the value of db-drop and db-load, db-drop is for drop the database, db-load is for loading value from sample-data.xml. Do not comment everything, but comment the value in case of both of that command called by other command.
<target name="db-drop" depends="hibernatedoclet" description="drops database tables">
<!-- <taskdef name="schemaexport", ....

Setting Tomcat From Eclipse
We can debug altough it is a web application by setting tomcat inside eclipse, Window -> Show View -> Servers, add new server -> Tomcat 5.5, set the installation Directory into the appropriate folder, e.x in "C:\apache-tomcat-5.5.28", And then press finish, so in the Server view there will our new tomcat server, double click it. In the server locations, choose "Use Custom Location", if the radio disabled, just create new Tomcat Server, usually it is disabled if we already used the server. And browse Server path into our tomcat folder, and then choose radio Use Tomcat Installation, and save. And also set the Timeouts into 90 seconds, sometimes it needs more than 45 second for starting tomcat via eclipse.

Changing the Template of TunasBangsa
In appfuse we used sitemesh decorator to handle the UI, the styles are in folder "tunasbangsa\web\styles" there are three styles already, the default that we used so far is simplicity, to change the style, modify file web.xml in folder "tunasbangsa\web\WEB-INF\", there are a lot of context parameters, goes to the param-name=csstheme, the value=simplicity, change into "puzzlewithstyle", deploy it, run tomcat, I try to make it simple but not as simple as simplicity.

And also change the name of the application, in the web.xml changse the property of display-name into "Tunas Bangsa" and in the change " Bangsa".

I inspired by my campus site, I use the similar header and footer, I save the sites, I modify the header, add "Tunas Bangsa IKA ITS Jakarta Raya" in the right of the header. The template is similar with puzzlewithstyle, there are menu in header, so I copy folder puzzlewithstyle inside folder styles, I name it tunassimple, and inside the folder I paste the new header and footer. I change many things in .css files specially the color of the fonts, I just change and deploy to get my preferred stile. On thing important I met is I shuld add property height inside body, to make an html <table> tag using css.
body {
and inside header and footer I add property height
div#header {
height: 147px;
So, it similar with table and tr height, I did not use table because it not recommended nowadays, people recommend using style or css.

For the application's icon, I go to ITS logo site, I copy ITS logo, and modify using photoshop, I'm not using gimp anymore, but the first header of this application I use gimp on my laptop. I only take the ITS name because I only need to show small icon that shows in the tab of my application. Deploy again and run tomcat, the result shows in the capture above.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Creating Simple Java Web Application

I join milist of alumny of my bachelor, the newest event is we gonna have scholarship for students and high school teacher, I want make a java sites for it, so I build the simple one, I create this document as if as you also want to create a simple java web application.

First I build in Ubuntu on my laptop, but I need internet for browsing, so I use on my office computer which is using Windows nowadays, infact last few months some pcs in my office re-using XP rather Ubuntu. So Im documenting my work on Windows and trying to write it as easier as I can. Contrary actually I prefer working on Ubuntu because of terminal and repository for downloading everything needed.

I use Appfuse 1.9.4 as wizard for creating java web application, I actually already made a start using Appfuse 2.0 with Maven rather Ant but it will need time for me for learning, so I decide it to use the older version, I already use this version on my previous project, so I will get the faster result, and it is much easier.

Here the list of needed things before working on this application:
1. java 1.6
2. mySql 5.1
3. appfuse 1.9.4
4. ant 1.7
5. tomcat 5.5

Here the steps:
1. Download them and install java and mysql, and extract for others in the prefer place.
2. When installing MySql server you gonna asked for root password, just type it as necessary, e.x: username=root, password=root
3. Open command prompt, write "java -version" and "ant -version", if the result is "is not recognized as an internal or external command," then we need do this things:
- open explorer, point to My Computer
- right click, Properties
- choose Advanced tab
- click Environment Variables
- in the System Variables box, the below one, click New
- Write Variable Name = ANT_HOME, Variable Value = D:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.0 (Or the prefered extracted path)
- Edit variable Path, copy the value into notepad, so we gonna have some line like this: C:\Program Files\.... it mention shortcut for the commands that our computer have, and then add this line : ";%ANT_HOME%\bin" for adding ANT_HOME
- restart computer
- for checking if we already have ant command in our computer type: "ant -version", and it should return some like this: "Apache Ant version 1.7.0 compiled on December 13 2006"
above steps set ANT_HOME and add "ant command" so we can call it from any place via command prompt.

4. Using command prompt, enter the extracted appfuse folder, for example on D:\Java\appfuse, and then type "ant new"
5. We gonna asked some questions:
[input] What would you like to name your application [myapp]? [myapp]
[input] What would you like to name your database [mydb]? [mydb]
[input] What package name would you like to use [org.appfuse]? [org.appfuse]
It means I create new application named tunasbangsa, with database named tunasbangsa, and package named org.alits

6. System will do some operations, it needs some seconds, and if everything is correct, there will be a BUILD SUCCESFULL messages
7. Now you should be able to cd to your application and run: "ant setup test-all"
8. cd into the new application folder, type "cd ../tunasbangsa"
9. we already inside our application just type: "ant setup test-all", and it should be BUILD SUCCESFULL messages, if we got error something like username and password into mySql, change the password in properties.xml, by default the password is empty, we need to change same with our password, it's on line 53,
<property name="database.admin.password" value=""/>, set the password value = "root"

10. For viewing the result, run tomcat, enter into our extracted tomcat, for example in "C:\apache-tomcat-5.5.28", enter the bin folder, and run or double click startup.bat.
11. Goes to explorer, ie or firefox, type http://localhost:8080/tunasbangsa, it should shows the result same as in the capture above.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Leader

Today is the vote day for the next president, my office as all other office is not enter today, I did not make a vote, it's too expensive for me to go home for a day for voting, it's Wednesday, Ill be on office tomorrow, furthermore I already predict that SBY will win the vote, until the last news on tv he got over 60 percents followed by Mega and JK, JK only got 12 percents of vote. And JK, my favourite candidate was not too convince me to go home and vote for him, I watch the last debate on tv, he is not too shiny, SBY more adorable, especially the last question about what if the candidate didn't chosen as president, SBY said that he will follow the chosen one, Mega said that she will continue her duty as before, and JK said that he will back home, he already think he will be chosen by say thanks to people.

But as if I made a vote I still vote for JK, I love his profile, that last debate show doesn't less me to appreciate him with all he did and what I heard from news, for me he and his family has strong religion rather than other candidate. And the main reason I love JK rather than SBY because he more live, he more brave against foreign people, I ever heard I forgot the situation and the case but he told foreign people that we will do our business rather that taken over by them. While SBY always speech in the international event that Indonesia already did good democracy and good economic progress in the country, I mean he so open wide for working together with other country, perhaps we need someone who didn't do that, we need someone who reject the opportunity for foreign people doing their job inside the country, and in my opinion JK has that profile.

Ironically my favourite president profile is George Walker Bush, I know he is west and war against Iraq and Afghanistan, surely I feel deep sorry for that aggression, but as a leader he shows us about dignity, about pride as a country. He great speaker, so confident when talking, and charming. Obama also great speaker but he so same as SBY, he always said about democracy, human rights, and peace. He travels to arabian country to say about peaceful world, that's nice but I prefer profile who has high pride, but surely without war against poor country, it just more stylish like George W. Bush rather than Barrack Obama.

Great leaders are born to lead, not by trained, not by schools, it is a destiny, just like a gift, he or she came when people need a change, most of them came when his nation in the worst condition, poor and pathetic, he has a brave heart like William Wallace, a straight heart like Joan of Arc, big dreams like Alexander the great, or many others, we can mention our idols. All of them have the brave, strong will in their life, they have faith. They have great sensitivity to their nation, they care about their people and want make a good change to their people. But all of those leaders are live in the past era, when the glory of nation shown by land, when there are no computers and companies, today the situation are more complex, leaders are not only the leaders of the citizen only, there are many leaders in many aspects of our lives, there are living people who we may adore about their leaderships.

Although we are not born with that leader characteristics, we should learn to lead ourselves, to lead our environment. In every single day of our life we should try to change ourselves to be a better person, and trying is not about gift, it's about will, the question is how far we already try, and it's a hard question in our lives. But it just like learning, just like writing or coding, it is learning, never ending learning.

As a human, all of us are leaders, leader of ourselves, leader of our environment, we lead our environment to a better condition, we can simply see our environment as the result of our leadership because we give contribution to our environment, whatever we say whatever we do it influence our environment. I remember a khatib when I pray Jumat, that as a leader, with the worst condition of our life, but if we have faith in ourselves than we still have a modal to give a good thing for our environment, he said that seven skies as the witness for what a person said, especially if we have our faith in our religion.

He said that there is a research in Japan that shows two different water, one water in religious environment and the other is not. The scientist said that the molecule of the first water more healthy rather than the second, it may prove that people who often wudlu will have shiny face or medicine with only with prayed water may help the patient. It already proved by Japanese scientist. So do our other things in our environment, our laptops, desk, clothes, and other will reflect what we do. Perhaps that too over, but that what the khatib said, and I think its true, he said that if we have a pet or plants in our home than they show how the condition of the owner little bit.

As a citizen I often imagine someday I will have an ideal leader of our dreams, that leader should brave, trusted, smart, good speaker, and other good things, I just need to add it, but honestly I will disappointed, because there are no person like that, no one perfect. And I think the better thing I can do is not to imagine that condition happen in our country, it's too complicated if I imagine and think about this country, I should see myself, I am nothing in this country. But I can start imagine that condition in my environment, my small environment, my office, my working desk and the nearby, let's say to myself and aware about the conditions, and think of my leadership in this environment.

But as a citizen I should follow my leaders, and just want to say congratulation to the selected Mr. President. I will follow him and always try to criticize of the condition and situation, especially I'm in Jakarta right now, I can join demonstration easily, in the circle of Hotel Indonesia as usually I saw on tv, that will be a great time.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Writer

I don't care if my write didn't popular, as if nobody read my writes, as if nobody will understand what I write. So do what I do in life, many things I've taken was not popular, and it doesn't matter, nothing need to be approved, it's not a mathematical equations, I free to decide to make the result, there's no grade limit for the result, there's no pushes to make a good result. It just the options in live, I can choose any options, whatever it necessary for me, whatever I feel like to be, or even I may not choose all of those options, I just do nothing, and there's nothing wrong with that.

I just want to write, nothing philosophy inside, nothing special in my write, it just plain text of daily story. The fact is it is a hard thing for me to make a write, I often loose my words, I often erase my paragraphs and cancelling, and the other fact is I don't have a theme right now, my times is spent at the office, I wake up in the morning and go to office early, I went home lately, and the project didn't finished yet, there's always new issue there, new bug in bugzilla. I feel numb right now, cannot think clearly, I cannot read e-book anymore, I feel empty of my battery, but I cannot sleep, it just blurry of me.

I don't care if this post is short, there's no need to be long post, I want to write some hilarious note, long, themeable, bright note, but it's hard, I'm not a novelist, not a fame writer, I'm an engineer, I write this post hush-hush while I'm working in the office, my bug is already zarro, I'm idle right now, I just want to write.

Let me tell you about my project and my office. I'm working in IT vendor in the edge of Jakarta, in BSD (Bumi Serpong Damai), not in Jakarta exactly, the fact is it in different province, it is in Banten, in the city of Tangerang, The office name is Balicamp, it the division of Sigma, biggest local vendor in Indonesia. It is the biggest because it have the biggest employee for local vendor, about 900-1000. It said that the first stand of Sigma in 1986, it only by 8 people. But unfortunately the salary is poor, not the highest also, perhaps the salary is the lowest between vendors.

Balicamp itself stand in 1999 our CEO today Bpk Toto Sugiri whose lives in Canada today, it named Bali-camp because he got a crazy idea had a it vendor which like a programmers camp. So it built in big house in a hill in Bali, in the village named Pacung before Bedugul a lake for tourism in Bali. First opened there are huge news from foreign tv and news such as CNN, in contrary there were no publicity from the local news. And by the time Balicamp was mostly working on foreign clients. Until the year of 2004 when there were Bali bombing, the office in Bali was closed because there are no client anymore. In the 2007 the office-house was want to sell, but Telkom, the biggest telecommunication company in Indonesia buy the Sigma capital for investment, so it cancelled to sell and operate again since in the middle of 2008, I should went to Bali that time but I was set in a project so until today I still in Jakarta. The capacity in the Bali office is 200, I heard it still 120 person there. Sigma itself has several office building, two in Jakarta, one in Balicamp, and one again in Surabaya, a data center. In Jakarta there are few floor in DEA tower in Mega Kuningan and few floor in German Center in BSD, I am in the last building, in German Center 5th floor, I am in the east wing, the west wing is for data center, data center are full filled with servers that used by many Sigma clients.

The office is unique, it named Desa Sigma, Some said Pak Toto himself was known as an artist rather as a businessman, he renovate the fifth floor of German Center become a village in Bali, the floor was changed with cement, the wall was decorated, some painted in yellow, some changed with wood, some still in bricks, and there are a lot of batik curtains and sticked lamp. The place for lamps are also traditional, some made from bamboo, modelled woods, or zinc. There are some small blocked circle place for small meeting, the wall are from bamboo and wood. There are fish pool in front of the lift, there are mini garden and fountain in front of security desk. After we left out the lift there are two door. One in the right is into the east wing my desk, the other is into west wing, most of place is for data center. There also some room in fourth and third floor belongs to Sigma, but the condition still remain genuine not renovate.

Today I still working on the project for WOM Finance, the loan company for motorcycle, we just reuse our application, Lendor, it modified with the WOM requirements. The framework of lendor is built with java, we only change the page and the query on the surface of the application, I only change the xml when make or modify query, I only change the html for the page, I rarely modify the java files, I play a lots with javascripts and vbscripts, it calls the new page and query from scripts. It use a lot of finance words and dizzy rules.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Benjamin Button, the continues

... Outside the building Benjamin asked Daisy is she loved David, she said she think so, then he said that he loves her dance show, and then he went back to New Orleans.

He said that nothing need to be complicate, he ride his motorcycle in New Orleans, he sail with his boat, he companied by a lot of women. And it was a glorious time for Daisy, she went to London, Prague, and Paris for dancing, she the only American girl dance in Bolshov Russia. But in the night she always say "goodnight Benjamin" before sleep.

One day when Benjamin fixing the corner house roof, he got mail from Paris, so he went to Paris, to a hospital, Daisy got an accident, she crushed by a taxi, her leg got five place broken, with treatment and therapy she perhaps can walk again, but she never dance anymore. When he meet her, she was so angry, she just don't want him to saw her like that. He asked her to move with him, she said that she don't want to go back to New Orleans, he said he will stay in Paris then, but she rejected, she just didn't want him to help her. For a while Benjamin stay in Paris and live near hospital to make sure she was alright.

It was spring 1962, when he was in corner house, Daisy came visiting. Queenie asked daisy why she so selfish not write them a letter. And then Benjamin asked Daisy to sail with him, and then sell his father's house, they moved in duplex house, there were no a stick of furniture, they only have a matras in a living room, and a TV, they watch The Beatles. Their neighbour is Mrs. Van Dam, a bone therapist, she therapy Daisy's leg, and there are a public pool four block from the house, in one occasion Daisy was cry when she saw a young girl swim fast, she said she just afraid grow older, and they put too much calorine in the pool. And in one day they went to his father lake house, and Daisy swear him she never pitty for herself because cannot dance again.

She build a studio, she teach ballet to young girls. She said dance is about a line, sooner or later we loss that line. And then she said that she was pregnant, Benjamin was afraid of that, he afraid if the baby born abnormally like him, but Daisy convince him that she want to raise the baby and want him to company her, And that time he watch tv news that his old friend Elizabeth Abbot swim across English Channel in fourty three years old, she did what she dreamed before. So the baby born in usual spring, she was born normally and healthy, they give her a name Caroline same as his mother name, but Benjamin feels wrong he said that Caroline needs a father not a childhood friend.

In Caroline first birthday, they have a party for her, there were a lot of children in the house. Benjamin sold his Button company, he sold the lake house, and the sailing boat, he gave the money for Daisy and Caroline for living. He went before Caroline start to memorize him. He went to India. He wrote a postcard in every Caroline's birthday and put in that book. When she was two he said that he want to saw her grew, nothing will replace that condition, when she was five he said he want to friend her go to school, when she was six he said he want to teach him piano, and when she was thirteen he want to angry to her not to chase some boys, and he want to be there when she got broken heart.

In one night Benjamin visiting Daisy after she teach the class, he enter the house, she said that the class is already over, she asked if he pick up a student, and then she knew that he was Benjamin, he looks so young. And then Caroline came, so do Daisy new husband. Daisy introduce Benjamin as her family friend, she said to Caroline she new her when she was baby. His husband said to Benjamin that so nice to meet him and they waiting in the car, Daisy said that she locked up the house first, she asked Benjamin where he lived, he said in the hotel near there, he said he didn't know what he gonna do. He said that Caroline as beautiful as he mother, he asked her if Caroline also a good dancer, she said no, he said that's must because him. Daisy told him that Caroline is a sweet girl, and her husband is a widower, he is a nice man, nice husband.

After her husband passed away, she got a bell asked him to go to corner house, there is a man from a kind of public children organization, he said that he found a book that a lot of Daisy names and that address, he said Benjamin got dimentia, he forgot when and where he was. And then they hear a piano played, it was Benjamin in a kid body. Daisy came to him and said that it was a good play, she loved to hear that, she introduced herself and asked him if he knew her, he said he didn't know her. So in everyday Daisy visiting the corner house to convince her Benjamin is alright, sometimes Benjamin was angry because he said that he didn't got his breakfast, sometimes he hike the roof and told everybody about everyplace he knew. He said he want to fly, and Daisy said that she knew a man who can fly, she will tell him about the story.

In 2002, the train station change the clock with digital clock. Benjamin was in child body, learn to walk, learn to talk, Daisy company him passionately. She showering him, she take him walk in the park. In spring, when she hug him, she said that he saw her and felt know her. And then he close his eyes as sleep as usually, he passed away.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My Way

People are only watching, they only commenting, they didn't feel the pain, they didn't feel the hurts. I came to Jakarta for fixing my life, I cannot depend on my family forever. For months I apply to every single company on internet or newspaper, I went to rent internet almost every single day, for six months I was unemployed. I was a telemarketer in Surabaya for a day, I phoning everybody from phonebook to buy credit card, in the early morning my boss ask me how we doing, and our answer is "Luar Biasa". I was a mall marketer, I asked visitor in Carrefour to help WWF with their credit cards, they told me how to ask people nicely, I must take about three meters, make a big smile and using right hand and say "Hello... have a couple of minuites, do you have a credit card? the visa or the master card?", and until the middle of the day we didn't get one person at all, my brother angry to me and ask me to stop the job and I agree with him, I will so ashamed if I meet my friends, I do that job for two days.

Three times I went to Jakarta for interviews in some companies, most of them reject me, I was accepted in two places, first, as a programmer that I forget the language, it just unusual programming language, in a small office in Grogol, they pay me less and I think Im the only programmer they have, so I reject it, the second is as Delphi programmer in Tanah Abang, I feel bored with Delphi, and in the same time I was accepted to be trained in Balicamp although I pay for that training. This office accept me with the all I have. And it's not a coincidents, I read Core Java both parts of the book, Eli give me the books, it's hundreds of pages, I read the beginning chapters over and over again. I fix my computer, I ask my sister to buy me a computer memory, I learn Java. I do my best in this office, I'm not interested to move, I do want to be rich, everybody want, but I'm not expecting that, I know myself, I receive myself if I'm not reach and success. As long as this office need me, I will stay and take care my job, but as if it didn't need me anymore, I will find other office that receive me. I just don't want to go home to Surabaya.

Not everybody will understand my way, I was in Jakarta before, in Cilandak, my office was in blok A in front of Darmawangsa Square, I was there for seven months with Delphi and ASP. It was glorious, one of the clients are multinational bank, the building is in BEJ or in Juanda, but I feel so empty, I thirst of religion, I feel so young, and I have money. My childhood is a religious environment, most of my friends are in traditional schools, one of them still school in Lirboyo Kediri. I told my mom that I want to learn religion for a while, I said I have money, I accept if I enter the beginning class. My mom is happy, she said don't worry about the money, she think I will continuing my grand father paths having my own traditional shools, doesn't matter if the students are few, we are proud if we have ours. So I went to Kediri. I live and sleep in a room with about fifteen friends in 4 by 4 meters room. I wear sarung and kopyah, I read arabic letters, I pray a lot, I remembering so many beautiful words in arabic, we discuss a lot, we did a lot of activities.

But it was a mistake, I was too old, I already broke, that place is for good people, I'm a bad person, in my age I should take a job not go to school, I just such a man that don't know my age, some said that I just en empty person, some said I just like new Lia Eden or someone who will have new kind of religion. I was in Lirboyo for six moths, went home in a bad way. After that time my life is finished, I feel the same thing when I'm in last years in college, it just happened again. I just felt.

At home, I was nothing, but not until a week, I join my senior as ad Delphi programmer in Graha Pena, but I cannot concentrate myself, I loose all my confidence, I just such a living manequin, I had a bad attitude, I always respect my senior, but I will runaway if I meet him again for hiding, I regretting myself for that time, I was in that office for three months, I've got fired because my bad attitude. It complete my pain.

Most of office I've applied asked me why I went to Kediri, why I often moving on my previous offices, or is I ever asked why I was fired, and always asked me why I need six years for my bachelor. I cannot answer their questions, it just happened to me. I didn't know the answers, I think I only quite until they ask me another question. In that time I already pessimistic I will not accepted, but I believe there is company that will receive me with all I've done.

I write this post to say to myself that I'm not empty in my religion. I read AlQuran better rather than most of people here. This place is town different from my village. I live in two different places, I wear short pant and play futsal here, I half naked when I swim, I cannot read AlQuran loudly here, sometimes I read quitely in afternoon or in the morning. I live in nonmuslim, Chinese house, office give me this home address, I don't want to move, I'm tired for always moving. A living friend of mine ever asked me why went to Kediri, I said for learning my religion, he cannot understand what I did, he even didn't understand why I pray five times, he different religion. So do people in my home, my aunt ever asked my what school I take, I said I learn computer, she asked me again is there any knowledge for other electrical stuff, I said there is a machine technique or electronics. A friend of me in Kediri talk to me and imagine how do I work in Jakarta, he asked me if I wear tie and blazer, I said no, I just wear usual clothes and shoes. I also not like Lia Eden or someone who make a new religion, perhaps I'm lack of my religion knowledge, but it's too far away from my mind, I just ordinary person with a lot of mistakes and sin.

I am a software engineer, graduated from reputable university, many young men want to be like me. My field is software, not religion, but I do want to do as my grand fathers did, perhaps I not teach my students, I can as an investor building the schools, let people who learn religion teach my students, or I raise poor or don't have parents children, we teach them religion, such like my uncle did in Surabaya. I already choose my path, it already happened to my life, let me do my way in my own life.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Playing Futsal

I'm not a geek, I'm an easy going person, I played futsal this night, actually I want to write some serious theme such as imperialism, JK, or politics, but I'm not that smart enough, so I write about my futsal-day. I'm not a good football player, far away from Steven Gerard. I even cannot kick the ball, I don't know how to kick, my kick is the slowest kick I've ever seen. I just running catch the ball forward and back, my goalkeeper often yell to me, sometimes he said to stay in the center back behind the line, sometimes said to stay guarding tight on one player.

I played futsal four times in my whole live, once when I'm bachelor, three times in this office. And it will be counting more because I've already have my futsal shoes and the stock. In high school I play soccer many times, sometimes in front of my school, sometimes on other place, my friends often ask me to join them although I mostly only stand up in the field. I play again when Im bachelor two or three times in the first year. And I never played again until today. In that time there are no futsal, it's new game, and I think west people create it.

I bought futsal shoes one day before after office hour with Suarlin and Robby. First we came to Adidas FO behind the Petronas Gasoline in BSD near BSD Plaza. And then into Sports Depot inside BSD Plaza, we bought shoes in that store. Actually I already bought a soccer shoes before in Carrefour, the red one, Eagle, 150 thousands, but it cannot played in futsal field, it will ruin the field because the bottom of the shoes are for outdoor soccer field. I spent a lot of money for futsal things. In Adidas FO everything is expensive, although it already discount for 50%, it still 500 thousands above, and the size are too big, there are the cheapest but the size is 47, while my size is 43. Sport Depot is a big store, and only sell the sport equipments, many kinds of shoes, tennis, badminton, or running shoes, there are rackets, barbels, or equipments such as body protector for hands, knee, just everything connected into sport are available. I bought Diadora LX, a white blue stripped shoes, 299 thousands, and a pair of blue Puma stocking, 49 thousands. I search the green one but not available, the store guard said that yesterday the green are there but already bought for surely. Suarlin and Robby bought Nike shoes, 450 thousands, Suarlin's white, Robby's black, without stocking.

Both of Suarlin and Robby are good player, they create goal tonight. But I remember one of the goal is assisted from me. Im a defence player, a center back, just like Maldini. So my main job is protecting our team not to creating goals, but perhaps someday I will create one, in case futsal field is small, I only need to run a while I will in the enemy base. The fact is Im a good defence player, when I play in the game the score is 4 - 0 for my team. I play full time in the second half of my team's second battle.

We have a tournament, there are six teams, Pc Programmer, it's my team, and other five teams. We split into two group, A and B, we are in group B with RPG and Permata team. We first versus RPG team and we won, and then versus Permata and I was as the defender in the second half, and we won again with score 4 - 0 for my team. Suarlin made two goals, Robby and Rudy made one goal, I am the defender, and Monang as a goalkeeper, that's the composition in the second half when I played, because we were tenth I guess with Suryo, Hatta, Adit, and sorry I cannot remember, but for surely Dani, Suroso and Miko didn't came. Next week we gonna versus the runner up of group A, and if we win the game, we go to final round.

We play in the new building in front of German Center my office, it newly opened for a week, it discount for 50% as softly opening, the building still not ready on the outside, there are small holes in the building, we play when raining, the water is drawn on the wall when we sit down on the supporter side. Before this day we play in Grand Serpong Futsal, far away about ten kilometers from my office. The new building is a smaller building, it has only two fields, each of fields doesn't have enough space for sit down, the supporters must sit outside from the fields. The remaining space of the building only two meters strike a head, on the corner are six small bath room, we change our costum there.

I don't care if I am not a good football player, as if I cannot kick the ball precisely, or as if I run like a woman, my friends receive me and ask me to join, and I am a good defence player, I am dicipline in my position, I do what my team ask me to do, and the result is we keep our goalkeeper clean from enemy's goal, and I have agood time.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Jenson Button, The Curious Case

I'm not gonna tell you about Jenson Button, I'm gonna tell you about new imperialism. The west country actually still war with us, not with blood but with taught, with information. The field of war are many fields: sports, technology, economy, science, education, every single aspects of our lives cannot separate from their agendas.

Last Sunday I watch F1, not from beginning, not until finished. It just great show, the west show, new kind and glamour show. Jenson Button win the race, it's his sixth win in this season, I hope he will the next world champion. He's 29 years old, I am gonna 28 this August. He also a model because of his good looking face. He has many girl friends. He already in F1 for many years, but in the past he just middle-last racer. But he already a public idol for his country, England. I ever saw him in Top Gear, British tv show about cars. He is as a guess star, it said that although he was not top F1 racer, he already reach and famous, many young man want to be like him.

F1 is a symbol of post modern lifestyle, they want us to be part in F1, they want children and young men be an F1 racer, they want us to have F1 circuit in our country. The west people will help the countries that already on their side. they will build a circuit on those country, they will take a racer from them. Malaysia is a country loved by them, they build Sepang for F1, they build Petronas tower in there. They want us to be like Malaysia, have F1 circuit, have tall tower, have great oil company.

I cannot receive if somebody said that our people are dumb because cannot have F1 circuit or sky tower. West people build them. They give a lot of money, allowance from world bank to build those building. They give their architect and expert to build them. It's all because Malaysia is nice country for their imperialism agenda. Their agenda are migrating the local values into their value, they made great concept of live, the improvement of technology, economy, or democracy. Well not all of those values are bad, we didn't have other solution for better lives. Well we already know that the best way in life is our religion, they just intrude in every single aspect in our life.

Everybody goes to school learn their language, nowadays we must get better education to get better job and living, I appreciate for the people who goes to traditional school for learn religion, they are the real power facing the new imperialism, Malaysia don't have them, that's why west people love Malaysia, because Malaysian schools are modern schools. As long as we have traditional school, those west people will afraid of us, they will never build F1 circuit or sky building here. They will make difficulties for us. And that doesn't really matter if we are lack of technology or economy, we must proud because we are a religious people and those people are afraid of us. I proud with my land.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Benjamin Button, The Curious Case

It's an unusual love story, story about born old baby, and grow younger and younger by time, with his childhood close friend. They meet for the fist time when they were seven years old, he was old, a friend of her grandma in old home, while she yell to her grandma showing her ballet, and they meet again tenth years later when he got amnesia but in child body and she already old, she asked him is he remember her?, he said no, but she care of him, she friends him playing piano, she friends him in his breakfast, she friends him walking in the garden, she lullaby him when he died in her arms, she said that he looks her and feels know her before he died.

The movie is opened in hospital with an old dying women, Daisy, with her daughter, Caroline. Caroline said that he gonna miss Daisy so. And then Daisy said that in 1918 there is tuba band in the opening ceremony of the train station with the new clock, it's the best clock ever, she said that her papa is came to the event, there were people everywhere, there were Roosevelt also. But the clock is moving backward, it's made by blind born man that has a boy die in war, he said that perhaps by made the clock backward, it also made the situation backward, the died boy can back home and live long and peaceful, and working in farm. After the event the blind man never seen again. Some say he got heart attack, some say he went to sea.

And then Daisy asked her daughter to read a diary in her black suitcase, she said she want to hear her voice. It's Benjamin diary. It's 1985, he said that he have nothing same as his birth, the only he has is only his story, and he said that he gonna write it before he forgot it. He said that he was born in unusual circumstances. It was after win great war, his father, Thomas run fast to home in the crowded people in the street. Inside his home, he asked everybody why there are a priest, They said that because his wife is dying because of childbirth, and then he came to his wife, and said that he already try best to get home in crowded people, and then she asked him to promise her that their son gonna got a place, and then she died. And then Thomas came to his son, and then take him away, and run. he went to the river and want to throw him, but there are a policeman and asked him what he brought. And then he run from the policeman, and found an old home, and take the baby on the foot stage, and put eighteen dollars with.

The setting is in New Orleans, city of jazz, Queenie and Mr. Weathers take care of the house, he said to her that she looks handsome that night, her brown dress is same with her eyes, and when they step down the stage, they found the baby. He said that they must ignore it because he looks like a monster, but Queenie loves the baby, she take the baby inside, she said that he is miracle, but not a kind of miracle we expect, she called a doctor inside the living room to check the baby, she said that he is son of her sister but born white, the doctor said that the baby's eyes got catharact, his bone and skin should happen on the old man, he is baby with the old-man condition, he should die soon. And then Queenie out from the room and told the people in the room that they had visitor and his name is Benjamin.

Benjamin child is normal kid, he curious like any other child, he played his spoon on the table, he sneaked behind the window. The only different is his physical condition is as an eighty years old man, he use wheel chair for moving. At seven he with mama Queenie went to church for blessing, Queenie want pregnant, and Benjamin asked by the priest to walk get up from his chair, and Benjamin can walk but the priest got heart attack. After he can walk some happens such as he met mr. Weathers brother that had minus in his physical condition, he is short and ever live in zoo with monkeys, he born near lake, he ask Benjamin go out with him to the lake and meet his tall girl friend. Benjamin also learned play piano by a wearing diamond and good dressed lady that came to the house with her old dog. She said to Benjamin that not how well to play piano but how we feel when play piano, and also said that poor Benjamin because he grow younger and younger, so he will loose the people he loved because everybody go older.

He met Daisy for the first time on Sunday, because that day family visiting the old people in the house. He never forget her blue eyes, he said he felt in love for the first time he saw her, he said that he met a person that will change his life forever. When lunch, the menu is turkey, Daisy said that did you know that turkey is not a bird, it is pheasant, bird that cannot fly. Queenie said that god answer her wish, he said that he didn't know what she meant. Daisy said that Queenie will have a baby, her mother ever said the same thing and she got a brother but not live long. She said silly to Benjamin. In the night Daisy grandma read book story to them, it's about kangoroo in 5 o'clock, the book in left side had short writes, and pictures in the right side. they love the story. And then when Benjamin is sleeping, he waken up by Daisy, she said why Benjamin sleep, and then she ask Benjamin followed her into below a table, she asked Benjamin to light the match for candle, Benjamin said that he shouldn't play with matches, she said don't be chicken, so Benjamin light the candle, and then she said that she tell a secret if he also tell one. And then she said that her mother ever kissed a man, and then Benjamin said that he actually not old as he looks, and Daisy said that he is odd, different than other people.

In his teenage, he went with an old man that already got flash seven times to harbour, they met Irish captain, Mike Clark. Captain Mike ask people to help him and his tugboat for two dollars. Nobody want to, only Benjamin. Benjamin cleaned the boat happily, he said will do although not get paid. Inside the boat, captain Mike asked Benjamin is he still turn on in the morning, Benjamin said yes, the hard one. And then he asked when Benjamin got woman, Benjamin said never, he laugh loud and said that it is the poorest thing he met, he with old man that never with a woman in his boat. After sailing they went to pub, captain Mike asked Benjamin about his Father, Benjamin said he don't have one, captain Mike said lucky Benjamin because his father is bad person, he said that his father is a tugboat man and ever said to him that he will also a tugboat forever. He said to his father that he want to be an artist, so he is, he is an artist, a tattoo artist he tattoo all over his body, open his clothes and show Benjamin his tattoo. He said whatever people said, do whatever you wanna be, And then he asked Benjamin to get women, one woman want to be with Benjamin, Benjamin asked for more, but she said enough, and asked Benjamin are he Dick Tracy or something.

After out from the pub he met Thomas that also had finished with woman in the pub, Thomas asked him to get a drunk, Thomas know that he was his son. Thomas asked his family name, he said that he did not have one, and then Thomas said that his family name is Button, Thomas also told him that his wife died when childbirth, when Thomas took Benjamin in front of his house, he asked Benjamin if he could ever come to visit him and said that nice to talk with him, and Benjamin said that is a pleasure to drink with him. After inside the house he met Queenie and puke because of drunk. And when Daisy is in the house he asked Daisy to go to the lake with his tugboat, he asked Daisy if she can swim, she said she can do whatever he can do. So he go to Captain Mike that sleep because of drunk on last night before. And when the boat is on its sailing, it met with big beautiful ship, Daisy said that someday she want inside that ship.

In his seventeen he went out from the house working as a sailorman with seven other crews, in case Captain Mike got new job sail over the sea. When he walk out from the house, Daisy asked him to send her postcards wherever he went, wherever he did. So he sent Daisy postcards and photographs wherever he are, in Liverpool, Glasgow, and other places. Daisy also sent him letters, she said that she was in New York for audition in the American school of ballet.

He said he is in Russia, he met the woman he loved, Elizabeth Abott, he said she not prety, thin as paper, she is wife of British ambassador. He met her on elevator when her high heels are broken. One night he cannot sleep he want to make a tea, he met her and asked her if she want a glass of tea. She told him every place he ever visit, she told her everything, they were talking until dawn. He remember the situation of the hotel in the midnight, the running mouse and stopping, the sound of radiator, the blowing curtain. They did it again every night, they talk each other until the dawn and good bye into the room for their own life. And one night, Elizabeth ask him to eat caviar and vodka, she said to chew them first and drink vodka a bit. She asked him that he never been with woman or eat caviar. And then she kissed him. It was the first time he kissed by a woman. She told him that when she was 19, she swim in English tunnel, unfortunately that night the water are hard for swimming, she already 38 hours in the sea, rain falls, and about two miles more is land, but she said stop swimming. She said she never do something in her life after that. And one night, Elizabeth is gone and send him message nice to meet him.

It was war with japan, and all the sailor take a part, also Captain Mike, he asked his crew to join him, the koky didn't want to, Benjamin said that he can cook, so they were in war in the sea. In the ship they met Cherokee man that spirited for war, and one of the crew, the peasant asked Benjamin to give his money to his family in case something happened. In the sea there were a transport ship with 1300 people inside it got torpedo by Japanese, and then they got battle with bigger ship, the ship is crashed to the Japanese ship, Captain Mike died, he said that if the time is come let it flow. In the morning he saw hummingbird fly in the see. Captain Mike always tell about the bird, a mathematical symbol is taken from hummingbird, an infinity.

He went home in 26 years old, Queenie looks old, Mr. Weathers already died, he met Thomas again, Thomas said that he is his son, he should not abandoned him, He told him that his grandpa is a taylor, his father moved to New Orleans, and now They have a Button's Button, a button factory that grow bigger as war happen because the shoulders need button for their uniforms. He asked Benjamin looks around the home. He saw his mama's picture, Caroline, Thomas said that Caroline was a cook in the kitchen, he made a hole in the wall so can see her in the kitchen, she is from Dublin. He said in young age he loves wake up early in the morning to saw the lake, and he meet her for the first time and felt in love with her.

He meet Daisy again, now she is a woman, he said that she is the most beautiful women he ever met, she said she only two days in New Orleans, he asked her for dinner. All she do was talking, telling him about new york, about people in her company, about she was taking classical ballet, he doesn't know what she talk about or the names she mentioned, but he loves to hear the story. And then they come to a place that Daisy dancing ballet there and asked him for making love, but he rejected her because he ashamed of his condition.

Thomas is dying and asked Benjamin to the lake to watch sun rise that he used to do when he is a young boy. And Benjamin now is the owner of Button's Button, he came to New York to Daisy told her that his father died. He came brought flower and watch her show, he did not tell about his come, Daisy little bit ignore him because after the show the crew has his own event, everybody is young. He met David, David kiss Daisy and dance with her, David asked Benjamin is he her grandmother's friend or something. He asked by Daisy to join with her and her friends, but Benjamin refused, he said that it is his fault not tell her first about his coming, and ask her is David love her, she said she think so. So Benjamin went home.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Monohara and Bu Prita

Both of them are women, both of them are victims, so tv and news will always love them, Im not quite like watching tv and news, so I feel lack of information about them, but I feel want to write about them.

For last two days I breakfast and watching morning news on tvone for few minuites during breakfast, the show is "Selamat Pagi" or similar like that. Yesterday is about Monohara, seventeen Indonesian-France girl, a tall beautiful model that get married of prince Kelantan Malaysia but runaway back into Jakarta, and today is about bu Prita, a mother of two little children that already jail because he wrote on the net about her regret of hospital service.

Yesterday the guess is Nia Daniati, because she was a wife of prince of Brunei, I don't know which prince, and then a man that work for Kelantan kingdom, and some other man. That man said that Monohara ever run to Jakarta before in the past year, so the kingdom want his help to get Monohara back, and he was invited by kingdom to see the inside of the kingdom, he said that it beautiful place and didnot feel creepy inside. He said that in the first week, Manohara's mom, Daisy, is always sleeping in the same room with Mano, so prince Fakhri sleep on other room, and then he said that Mrs Daisy want that kingdom pay her owes in jakarta, he said again that she wear Mono's necklace as a gift from kingdom as a princess, so she was told by kingdom for what she did.

And the day before I watch Mono said that she runaway from kingdom because she was tortured by her husband, she was injured by razor blade. She said that the kingdom family was same as her husband, didnot help her, also the malaysian public or media, she said that she helped by the public of Singapore and Indonesia. This case also came to Indonsian ambassador, Da'i Bachtiar asked by Indonesian for helping her.

Bu Prita is a mother who wrote in the net, in a kind of public opinion in the net about the hospital service, unfortunately she used wrong sentence, rude sentence, although she was victims and clearly the hospital did wrong procedure, the doctor said that she got "Demam Berdarah", and she got medical rescue, she should only rest without got medicine drug. She was in jail for few weeks, and now she was free but as town prisoner, I don't know the detail, I think you know more rather than me, this case is discussed in mailing list, facebook, there is group for bu Prita, and I join the group because I was invite. and then I heard that some internet comunity said to boycott the hospital, but the hospital say not afraid of that.

In mailing list, the case is widely spread about the law, in case bu Prita is jailed fastly without long procedure as should be. Somebody said is just because bu Prita versus International hospital, and the hospital rules because win of money to pay the law. Some others said that bu Prita shouldn't write to media about her problem, she should claim to hospital privately, and some other said how she can claim by herself? she will face the bigger problem and perhaps will ignored by the hospital, she did the right thing, she need media, she need internet, the powerful internet.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Watching JK-Wiranto on TV

I was back home late at night, it's about 8.30 after I change my clothes I had my dinner on living room, accompanied by my living friends, we were watching tv together. I forgot the title of the show but the presenter was Helmy Yahya. Its on Trans7. The show already run, it's not live show. The setting is in studio with hundreds of audience there, most of them wearing golden yellow dress, the golkar color. I guess it's the same place with Bukan Empat Mata place with Tukul Arwana as the star.

There are four guests who give questions in front of JK-Wiranto, Oppie Andariesta, a woman that I forgot the name, Todung Mulya Lubis, and Kak Seto. I was late not watching the show from beginning. In the middle of the show there is a video about BLT in Kediri which killed some poeple to get 30000 rupiah because of the crowded to get the money. Oh dear what's our fault until there's happened in Kediri. I cannot imagine it happened in a wealth city such Kediri. I forgot the question from the woman, she asked about real implementation from the candidate for solving the wealthiness of the people. Wiranto is great speaker, I forgot what exactly he said, but I think that he said that it's a casuistic thing that should not be generalize it, many people helped because of BLT. I forgot the detail of the answer but I remember when Helmy Yahya adding the question: "Is BLT will happened again in the future?". JK said that BLT is not an anual program, it's ad-hoc program. The idea of BLT rise in his room in the past years because we need a way to help poor people if the gasoline price is rise. So BLT happened only twice when the gasoline price is up. In the 2004 (perhaps, I forget again) and 2008. That tragedy is happen in March 2009 because BLT gives money for ten months. And it will never happen again in the future.

And then Oppie asked about women labour in foreign country. I think both JK-Wiranto answer it with a diplomatic way that they want to have working field in Indonesia and the labour should working here. And then Helmy add the question that there were women as a carrier of drugs. JK said that women as the carrier of drug is because it minimalize the oportunity known by the police rather than Men as the carrier. It's not the problem of the women as the carrier, the problem is the drug. And then Oppie asked again about the women rights. And Wiranto answered it that actually in Indonesia the women rights is already has much attention, there already quota in somewhere some occasion for women, and that only happend in this country.

Kak Seto question is about children and education, he asked about Ujian Nasional. JK said that at the past time he met people from neighbour country, Malaysia, Singapore, or Philipines. That those country have a harder exam and higher passing grade for graduation. So the first time UN grade limit is 3.5 and the next year it will higher be 4, and so on. It just because we didn't want to be behind from those countries. And it's not same passing grade for each region, perhaps it's 8 in Jakarta and 3 in east Indonesia. And he add that we should happy because of the afraid of fail in UN, because there were Istighosah, praying for passing, and minimize the students war between schools. And Kak Seto asked again about the recipe to have a great and harmony family. Wiranto said that his recipe is by giving his family kind of freedom and he role as a good man in actual life.

And then Todung asked about how to take money back from out of the country, in case the money may a hard or wrong money because of the processing the natural recource we have. And both JK-Wiranto answer it with a diplomatic way. AFAIR JK already ask the ministry for the rules, and he said that in case of the resource is mainly is mining, so to optimize the result we should use it for ourselves by adding the using industry or some like that.

And then Helmy asked both JK-Wiranto ask their family enter the stage, JK wife's named Mufida, they brought four children in that stage, three girls and a boy, and ten of grand children, two of them are in the stage. While JK mention their names, one of his children angry because he wrong to mention his name, JK mention his call name not the actual name. While Wiranto wife's name is ended with Usman, he said that means she is the daughter of mr. Usman. She is from Gorontalo same island with JK, he said that his children is Jago (Java-Gorontalo). They have two doughters Maya and Lia, and a son. Maya and his brother is in America while Lia is in Jakarta but did not come to the show, but there's Lia's husband and their three of four children. All of their family is religious family, very happy to see that.

Im sorry that I cannot remember the details of the show, and honestly Im not good in writing or talking politics. It's a hard thing for me. But both JK and Wiranto are smart people, they able to speak without script, they communicate friendly without trying to be grace, they were not like a student who read report in front of foreign people saying that Indonesia had great progress in economy and democracy.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Prayer

Call me the prayer, Perhaps I don't know well of my religion knowledge, but no matter what I do just please categorized me as the prayer.

Perhaps I'm not a good person, and I knew Im not, Im a bad person in society, a selfish and a hedonist person, I don't know and not too enthusiastic with what happened to my neighbors or my friends. I'm the villain in the movie, Im the joker in the Dark Night, or perhaps the two face. But is it wrong for me to take this path? as a religious person, as a good wannabe person.

It is a shame for me as a person that born in religious environment but don't know much about my religion, Everybody around my neighborhood in surabaya is great alquran reader, some of them able to read arabic with no harokat, they remember a lot of praying reading and the how to's. While me.. Im nothing in my religious view.

But that's me, it's already happened to my life, there are so many regret in this life and I don't want to be in that regret forever. Just receive me as the way I am, with the all that I have.

I fix my life pieces by pieces, I rebuild my career again, and thanks god I've been in this office and feel received with all the aspect of it. Today is exactly my a year plus two month in this office, it is the longest time for me for working, and I hope it will happen to me for long time, for longer years forward. I was moving and moving again in my previous works, I don't want do that again, at least as far as this company need me, I will not search for other place.

Im a humble person, Im not expecting to be reach and success, I already used to live simple. Im a happy with the all that I have. I have great family that will always receive me when I back to Surabaya. I have a lot of friends, well it's not as much as you have I guess, but I have a lot of friends. And I have a great job, I build great application for users. I am an engineer, I dedicate may days for building software, I am an enthusiastic person to technology, Im a good learner.

I said to myself that working is praying, living is praying, Im not a holy person that clean of everything, and as an ordinary person I am a full of mistake, full of sin. It is far more easy for me to write it beautifully, I know it hard to do in real life, but I feel so in religious atmosphere right now, is it a mistake for me that I write what I want to do in my own life? I know I will far... far away for this ideal life, I just want to write it, perhaps I can read it again and useful for me or somebody else.

Queue and Stack With Linked List

This post is based on my senior post, his post is a C program about queue using Linked List, I made the java version and I extend it not only implementing queue with Linked List but also implementing stack.

I also improve my coding style, in which Im not write all of the stuff in main method, but I divide them into their own methods, so I have enqueue and dequeue method for queue, push and pop method for stack, also view and clear linked list method. So I only need call them in main method, it more clear and readable.

package stack.queue;

import java.util.Scanner;

class Node {
int info;
Node next;

public Node(int d) {
info = d;

public class LinkedListImpl {
static Node newNode;
static Node front;
static Node rear;
static Node tempNode;
static Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

public static void enqueue() {
System.out.print("Data enter: ");
newNode = new Node(scanner.nextInt());
if (front == null) {
front = newNode;
rear = newNode; //rear is never null, because if front is null,
//the new Node is also the rear
} else { = newNode;
rear = newNode; //nothing happen with the front
public static void dequeue() {
if (front != null) {
tempNode = front;
System.out.println("Data out = " +;
front =;
} else {
System.err.println("Queue is empty!");
public static void push() { //push as front not as rear
System.out.print("Data enter: ");
newNode = new Node(scanner.nextInt());
if (front == null) {
front = newNode;
rear = newNode; //rear is never null, because if front is null,
//the new Node is also the rear
} else {
tempNode = front;
front = newNode; = tempNode; //nothing happen with the rear
public static void pop() {
if (front != null) {
tempNode = front;
System.out.println("Data out = " +;
front =;
} else {
System.err.println("Queue is empty!");
public static void viewFromFront() {
tempNode = front;
while (tempNode != null) {
System.out.print( + " ");
tempNode =;
public static void clearList() {
front = null;
rear = null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int choiceMain = 0;
do {
System.out.println("Menu Implementation:");
System.out.println("1. QUEUE\t2. STACK\t3. EXIT FROM APPLICATION");
System.out.print("Please Choose Menu : ");
choiceMain = scanner.nextInt();
switch (choiceMain) {
case 1:
System.out.println("Queue Menu:");
System.out.println("1. ENQUEUE\t2. DEDQUEUE\t3. VIEW\t4. EXIT FROM QUEUE");
int choiceQueue = 0;
do {
System.out.print("Please Choose Menu : ");
choiceQueue = scanner.nextInt();
switch (choiceQueue) {
case 1: enqueue();
case 2: dequeue();
case 3: viewFromFront();
case 4:
System.err.println("Exiting From Queue...");
} while (choiceQueue != 4);
case 2:
System.out.println("Stack Menu:");
System.out.println("1. PUSH\t2. POP\t3. VIEW\t4. EXIT FROM STACK");
int choiceStack = 0;
do {
System.out.print("Please Choose Menu : ");
choiceStack = scanner.nextInt();
switch (choiceStack) {
case 1: push();
case 2: pop();
case 3: viewFromFront();
case 4:
System.err.println("Exiting From Stack...");
} while (choiceStack != 4);
case 3:
System.err.println("Exiting From Application...");
} while (choiceMain != 3);
System.err.println("Application terminated.");